Alter ego, 2020, acrylic, embroidery, appliques, fabric, and vintage sari, brush, 58" x 46"

Fissure, 2020, vintage saris and metal, dimensions variable

A cup of tea, a bit of war, 2020, acrylic, embroidery floss, found tapestry fragment, and gouache, 26" x 26"

Take Flight, 2020, embroidery floss, gouache, thread, and placemat on coated fabric, 48" x 40"

Sanctum, 2020, vintage saris, wire, fabric, 14'x 4'

Becoming, 2020, embroidery floss and fiber, 44" x 32"

detail, "Life-line"

Life-line, 2020, vintage saris, found boat, dimensions variable

penance and pride, 2020, vintage Canadian snowshoes, carpet pad, vintage saris, and fiber, 46" x 30"

I've never seen a shooting star, but I've felt the love of a thousand years, 2020, vintage saris, wire, dimensions variable

Maya the unveiling, 2020, vintage book pages from 1910 copy of "A Grammar of Ornament," vintage 1960 Post magazine, gouache, and embroidery floss, 9"x 12"

A broken clock, 2020, book page from "A Grammar of Ornament (1910)," gouache, vintage map, vintage French book page. 12" x 9"

A Poet's Quarrel, 2020, embroidery floss on found painting, 24" x 36" (Private Collection)

An American Chorus, 2020, vintage sari, vintage needlepoint, embroidery flossand fiber trim, 32" x 32"

Cloud #17064, vintage saris, fabric and wire, dimensions variable

Sorrow Scroll (with SOS thought bubble), 2020, acrylic, magazine, old photo, bindis, sequins, stickers, appliques, etc. on vintage wallpaper, 66" x 18"

Sari Tapestry 1 (with gradient) , 2020, vintage saris, rope net, 15' x 8'

Sari Tapestry II, (double-sided), 2020, vintage saris, rope net, 10'x 10'

Camoflaged, 2020, hair curlers, fiber, and acrylic, 60" x 32"

detail, "Camoflaged"

"Pressured Speech," 2020, embroidery floss, gouache, bindis, and appliqué on embroidered fabric, 8" x 6"

"Bust of a martyr II," 2020, oil paint and jute on vintage oil painting, 8" x 10"

"The Arrival," 2020, acrylic and embroidery floss, metal chain, faux hair, vintage sari on canvas, 60" x 72"

"Stand Tall," 2020, embroidery floss acrylic, earrings, fiber, watercolor, spray paint, 48" x 36"

"in one fell swoop," 2020, found fabric, vintage needlepoint (based on painting by Raphael Luccesi), my hair, zippers, tassels, 28"x 26"

"Unsaid," 2020, vintage print, hair curlers, vintage wallpaper, and appliques, 16"x 16"

"Bramble," 2020, page from 1910 "A Grammar of Ornament," gouache, 1960 Post magazine, 12" x 9"

"Pompeii 2020," 2020, page from 1910 "A Grammar of Ornament," gouache, 1960 Post magazine, 12" x 9"

"how sweet to be still," 2020, vintage saris, rope net, 10' x 5,' (Private Collection)

"Bittersweet," 2020, gouache, book pages from 1910 book "A Grammar of Ornament," 1960 Post magazine, 12" x 9" (Private Collection)